Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My regrets...

When I was a young, naive child, I was really girly and always wore pink. The typical little girl that you see nowadays. I didn't do any sports, I just danced and watched power rangers. Every single day. My mother always told me I was an amazing dancer and really had something in me that could eventually bloom into something greater. But then I got bored after five months and quit. Then I started to wear different color clothing that wasn't pink and started to become more boyish. I owned every movie Saban, the power ranger producers, ever made, threw out all my barbie dolls, and started playing with the big boys in every sport imaginable. I regret this, a lot because now I wish I could have done dance and stuck with it. When I dance in my house or at birthday parties people ask me if I take dance lessons and I say no I stopped. If I had kept doing it, who knows where I'd be now and what accomplishments I've made.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Social Parish

Like Gatsby, I too felt like I wasn't good enough for someone because I didn't have the hip, cool, new clothing that everyone was wearing. To be accepted into the upper-class Gatsby had to get the money, and dress & act the part. But still no one accepted him. In my middle school years, preferably 6th grade, fashion was big in school. If al the so-called-"popular" girls were wearing it you had to buy it and try to fit in. When uggs were really in style you just had to have them. So my parents were cheap and bought me the fake uggs because regular uggs are expensive. Everyone would make fun of me saying that fake uggs meant I was a fake person. I wasn't cool, just a wannabe. Then the next year my parents bought me some real ones for Christmas and I was ecstatic. Finally Jasmine Stith was in style with her rockin' new uggs and wouldn't be made fun of. Everyone, I guess you could say, finally accepted me because I had "real" ones. 

After a little while though, the hype of my new, real uggs seemed to die down to a point where I thought it was boring to wear them all the time. I realized then that it didn't matter if I had uggs, the only reason people started to like and talk to me was because I had them. So I didn't wear them for a month and things went back to the way it used to be. Me watching everyone else trying to fit in with the new style. When I discovered that goucho pants were the new thing I was glad I stopped all this nonsense. Those pants were hideous. I want someone to like me for me, not for what I wear. Now I don't judge someone based on their appearance, only by the content of their character.