1. Vulnerability refers to the susceptibility of a person, group, society, sex or system to physical or emotional injury or attack. The term can also refer to a person who lets their guard down, leaving themselves open to censure or criticism. Vulnerability refers to a person's state of being liable to succumb to manipulation,persuasion, temptation etc. What word signifies vulnerability to you? There are many words that come to mind when I think of me being vulnerable and having a weakness. Words like stupid and black come to the surface of my thoughts, but one word that stands out the most is fat. I've always been a little bigger or immensely bigger than all my peers and other people around me. I feel as though people judge me a lot based on my size when they first meet me, which is the case most of the time. I just want that to be gone and for them to see me as I actually am, a wonderful person.
2. The teacher says, “If you want to be a superstar, you gotta’ be vulnerable to the world” what does he mean by this? Do you agree? Can “celebrities” have private lives? He means you have to be ready for the love and hate that people will show you, but mostly the hate. There are many people out in the world who are going try the best they can to tear you down You have to fight back and if you show a little emotion then they have won. I agree totally because all these celebrities you see today try their hardest to be bricks and they can take anything, but then you see the ones that becomes messes from all the pressure of being famous and having hatred thrown at them. It's kind of hard to have a private life when you're a celebrity because people want to know everything about you and they'll figure out a way for that to happen.
3. What is so difficult about speaking openly like these teens trying out for GLEE are asked to? Some people are scared of what others might say and they don't want to open up to people. They rather be a locked box, not willing to share their thoughts. These teens trying out for glee have enough confidence to talk to the people around them because they have become close with them over the course of the show and are ready to open their boxes.